Brian Hughes

Business history and experience

CONSULTING - Various businesses
Worked with a number of small businesses from different industries in various stages from concept to closure, and a handful of specialty clients related to my specific experiences in e-cigs and escape rooms.

From flea market beginnings, Gamedeals officially opened in 2006, and continues to be an extremely successful specialty retail storefront in Downtown New Westminster.

PHASE 3 EVENTS - Owner / Show Director
Currently running the yearly Vancouver Retro Gaming Expo (10+ years), as well as previously running a modern themed gaming expo as well as 2 years of Northwest Fan Fest.

PANDORA'S LOCKS - Previously Owned / Game Designer
Designed, built, and operated the most fully-automated high-tech escape rooms in the Vancouver area, with unique themes, stories, and puzzles. Highly rated and praised by industry leaders.

E-LICIOUS - Previously Co-owned
Imported, marketed, and distributed a custom-branded electronic cigarette product, from the factory in Shenzhen to dozens of local retailers, then sold the business.

CASTING DIRECTOR - Various projects
Worked with directors and producers to find and co-ordinate actors on 8 feature films, numerous music videos, commericals, and more.


- Executive Board Member of Downtown New Westminster BIA.
- Created and sold popular local website:
- Designed, coded, and managed numerous other websites.
- Directed and produced numerous video projects.
- Imported products from Vietnam for online and local sale.
- eBay Powerseller (feedback over 3000)
- Talent Manager at Canada's largest adult production company.
- Created board games, card games, and RPG games.
- Wrote numerous business plans that were ultimately not pursued.
- Hosted panels for small business owners at conventions.